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The Conjurors' Club

The Goal

A digital speakeasy for an online magic show from A.R.T.


New Website Build (Design & Development)
+ Brand Identity Design
+ Custom Graphics
+ Workflow / Systems Design

Platform: ReadyMag


Co-Founders / Creative Collaborators: Vinny DePonto, Geoff Kanick

The Conjuror's Club website shown fullscreen on three different devices.

Client Bio

The Conjurors’ Club aims to be the most welcoming secret society ever. The Club is home to a community of magicians from all around the world and to all those who have taken the oath.

For the first time in 100 years, the most secret magic society will convene and pull back the curtain for a few lucky outsiders. Pour yourself a drink and immerse yourself in the arcane and mysterious through an interactive virtual experience that is changing the face of modern magic.

The Conjurors’ Club is both an event and a community. I worked with mentalist Vinny DePonto and magician Geoff Kanick to build a Brand Identity, interactive web home, and digital speakeasy entrance for their digital run with A.R.T.

Client Industry

Performing Arts, Magic, Digital Event, Theatre

Client Location

Cambridge, MA

The Objective

Create a logo and brand identity and website for The Conjurors’ Club in preparation for a digital run through A.R.T.

The Solution

We created an interactive experience, with branded packages, membership pins, and items for use during the show mailed to ticket buyers. We built both a website for The Conjurors’ Club itself, and create a digital speakeasy “entrance” to the virtual show.

Design Direction

Guiding adjectives: art deco, vintage, timeless, quirky, mysterious.

Transformable Logos

When ticket holders first visit Jean Eugene's Fine Watches, it appears to be a watch shop, before the logo transforms into The Conjurors' Club logo and visitors are allowed "into the back" where the club meets. Ticket holders were sent a link and a password was required to "enter The Conjurors' Club" like a speakeasy.

I designed two logos that could transform into each other, both using the same central logomark. The logomark references a watch face as well as the two “C”s of the Club’s name. It also plays on the idea of the performer and the audience combining to make the magic happen.


Telefon, Romanesco


I utilized textures from old book covers and created a fun but slightly muted palette.

Deep blue, faded green, deep rust, and pale pink and creams made up this moody, vintage inspired palette.

Utilizing the central Conjurors' Club double C logomark, we created an enamel pin design that also referenced the duality discussed throughout the show. As a visual reference we looked at old membership and union enamel pins from the 1940s through the 1960s. Pins were sent to audience members prior to their showtime and arrived in brown paper envelopes stamped with the Jean Eugene logo.

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