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The Goal

Leave LinkedIn and word-of-mouth-only behind with a website for a coach / business genius who helps creatives make money.


New Web Build


Brand Identity: Shelby Zink

SOV-REN website shown on iPhone above photo of the superbloom.

Client Bio

"SOV-REN enables creators, entrepreneurs, and thinkers in designing sustainable businesses so they can claim space powerfully. We are a living ecosystem expanding and contracting to meet the needs of our clients."

Client Industry

Consulting, Business

Client Location


The Objective

Nicole had been consulting under SOV-REN (formerly SVREN) for a while, but had only been connecting via referrals and LinkedIn. Having worked with New Money Social Club's Eden, she knew it was time to get SOV-REN online.

The Solution

A fresh website with branded infographics and interactive details gave SOV-REN a new home online.

Design Direction

There was already a strong brand identity in place that was so fun to take inspiration from. Nicole was also inspired by the superbloom and connecting SOV-REN's focus on freedom and what that means with images and videos of nature.

Good Foundations Studio also worked up fully branded versions of graphics Nicole had built out for social.


Big Caslon, Aileron


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